PAX Protection of Civilians network meeting


Please save the date for a unique networking event on Protection of Civilians organised by PAX in The Hague on 21 March 2024, in which a broad variety of experts will come together to discuss the past, present, and future of the PoC field. This conference will be a largely informal event aimed at facilitating networking and the sharing of lessons learned around key trends and themes. The program will combine a panel discussion to set the stage and an interactive marketplace of ideas, followed by a networking reception. A formal invitation and updated program will be distributed in the coming weeks.  

General Details 

When:                             21 March 2024 from 12.30-18.30 

Where:                           The Hague Conference Centre, New Babylon (map

Who:                              Representatives from government ministries, academic and research institutes, non-profit organizations, international institutions, and others interested in or working on PoC-related themes.  


Draft Program 

12.30-13.30:             Networking lunch (optional) 

13.30-13.45:             Welcome 

13.45-14.45:            Panel on key lessons learned and implications for the future of PoC (featuring Lt. Gen. Kees Matthijssen (ret.), former Force Commander MINUSMA; Sarah Petrin, nonresident Fellow, Atlantic Council; others TBC) 

14.45-15.00:            Coffee Break 

15.00-16.30:            Interactive marketplace of ideas (key topics: National PoC policy development; Conflict and the environment; People-centred approaches to security; and PoC policy initiatives and implementation by Dutch MoD) 

16.30-18.30:            Networking reception  


Stay tuned for more details and to RSVP.