The Hague Academy for Local Governance


Name of organization/institution

The Hague Academy for Local Governance

Webiste URL

Organization details

Government / regional organization / UN System / Multi-lateral / Knowledge institution / Private sector (incl consultancy) / Civil Society Organization / Training institution

Description of your organization/institution

We are a training institute, delivering practice-oriented trainings to civil servants and local practitioners. Our mission is to strengthen democratic local governance worldwide.

Description of your main WPS related activities

We organise and support several training programmes related to WPS. These training programmes focus on gender-sensitive and inclusive peacebuilding, and are targeted at local actors such as civil society organisations and local authorities.

Strategic outcome

1. Participation - More women hold leadership positions, and women participate equally and meaningfully in decision-making processes at every level in the interests of peace and security, including conflict prevention and resolution, peacebuilding, protection, relief, reconstruction and recovery; 2. Prevention - Conflict prevention and the prevention of violent extremism, including of related violence against women and girls, is based on the human rights approach and starts from the principle of human security. Prevention policy and its implementation are conflict-sensitive, gender-sensitive, gender-responsive and gender-transformative; 4. Relief, reconstruction and recovery - Meet the needs and contribute to the empowerment of women and girls; 5. WPS Mainstreaming - A gender lens is applied to every reorganisation, improvement, development and evaluation of analysis, policy and policy implementation with regard to peace and security.

Sub-outcome 1

1.1 Enhanced enabling conditions for equal and meaningful participation by women and girls in peace and security, including conflict prevention and resolution, peacebuilding, protection, relief, reconstruction and recovery, 1.2 Women’s and diaspora organisations, human rights defenders and peace builders working for women’s rights and gender equality in conflict and post-conflict countries are supported in their efforts to participate meaningfully in peace and security processes, 1.3 Peace processes are inclusive and bottom-up, and the resulting declarations and their implementation reflect the needs of everyone, including women and young people at local level.

Sub-outcome 2

2.1 Conflict prevention by means of local, peaceful, multidimensional strategies and approaches is given priority.

Sub-outcome 4

4.2 Women’s and girls’ socioeconomic position has been improved both inside and outside of humanitarian and fragile situations.

Sub-outcome 5

5.1 Peace and security personnel are gender-aware and systematically apply a gender lens to policy formulation and implementation on peace and security, 5.2 Organisations endeavour to apply gender-responsive budgeting, 5.3 Organisations have positive gender norms and values with a specific focus on the role of men and boys.

Type of Investment

Financial, Advocacy, Policy, Programmatic  


MENA-region, Sub-Sahara Africa, worldwide

Time Frame

3 years - 2023