Co-organisers UN Women and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands is inviting you to their in-person WPS side event: Women's Leadership for Peace in the Sahel.
Date: 23 October 2024
Time: 01:00 - 03.00 PM EST
Venue: Hybrid | In-person
Address: UN Women HQ, Daily News Building, 220 E 42nd St, New York
Conference Room 1925 (19th floor)
Co-hosted: UN Women, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands.
RSVP here
Special instructions and notes:
The side-event will inform partners about the situation of women in the Sahel countries and their efforts for peace, share best practices and women’s initiatives, and advocate for strengthening women’s role in all ongoing peace mechanisms. The event will be held in English and French, with interpretation provided via Zoom (participants in the room will need to connect using their own phones/laptops and headphones). The agenda will be circulated at a later stage.
Read the concept note here