Evaluation report: External evaluation of the Netherlands WPS 2016-2019 and WPS 2020 programmes

This is a meta evaluation of the eight WPS strategic partnerships funded by the NL MoFA in 2016-2020, in Afghanistan, Colombia, DRC, Iraq, Libya, South Sudan, Syria and Yemen. The partnershps contributed to the three NAP III outcomes. Good practices emerged: 

 • Adopting a broad/ intersectional approach to gender in WPS: not only work with women and girls but also directly engage with men and boys to transform gender norms. 

 • Broadening the range and scope of WPS approaches, activities and themes

• Aligning and linking with national and local (WPS) frameworks and processes,  thus creating synergies, avoiding overlap and increasing institutional take-up and thus sustainability. 

 • Flexibility: adapt to shifting political and security dynamics, as well as the Covid-19 pandemic, crucial for work in conflict-affected societies. 

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