'Intervention' field report: The role of psychosocial support in coping with incidents of gender-based violence among Rohingya refugees

Intervention, the Journal of Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Conflict Affected Settings, is an open access journal which is published twice a year under auspices of ARQ National Psychotrauma Centre. The Journal provides a wide range of articles and field reports which can be browsed. See website: interventionjournal.org
Gender-based violence (GBV) remains an everyday reality for Rohingya women and girls displaced in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. This paper highlights the role of psychosocial support in coping with GBV by exploring two particular cases. Useful approaches have included the use of basic techniques for relaxation to help promote calmness in moments of anxiety and panic, plus reinforcement of positive coping strategies such as prayers, spending time with trusted people and engaging in productive activities (e.g., life skills training).