This is a certified course under the auspices of the European Security and Defence College (ESDC), for middle management civilian and military professionals.
Due to complexity of current operations, there is an increasing awareness of the need for both military and civilian personnel to be equipped with practical means to interact with local women and men. Men and women experience conflict and security differently. Consequently, their perspectives on conflict resolution and peacebuilding also vary. We need to listen and respond to both perspectives. Not just because it is the right thing to do, but because it makes our operations more effective and sustainable. Actively engaging women and men on equal grounds, within our own missions and institutions as well as in rebuilding post-conflict societies, is a matter of operational effectiveness. This implies changes in the way we plan and implement our operations, which is precisely what A Comprehensive Approach to Gender in Operations aims to accomplish.
The 5 day course is based on the comprehensive approach to integrated missions and crisis management and builds on links between defence, diplomacy and development regarding gender and human rights issues.
Date: 24-29 November 2024
Location: Majoor Jan Linzel Complex, The Hague
For more information and to apply: click here.
Completed application forms should be sent to course director CDR Ella van den Heuvel
Please apply before: 18 Oct 2024