Sub-outcome 1.1

Enhanced enabling conditions for equal and meaningful participation by women and girls in peace and security, including conflict prevention and resolution, peacebuilding, protection, relief, reconstruction and recovery

Sub-outcome 1.2

Women’s and diaspora organisations, human rights defenders and peace builders working for women’s rights and gender equality in conflict and post-conflict countries are supported in their efforts to participate meaningfully in peace and security processes

Sub-outcome 1.3

Peace processes are inclusive and bottom-up, and the resulting declarations and their implementation reflect the needs of everyone, including women and young people at local level

Women's fundamental right

The participation of women and girls in peace and security processes is a fundamental right and can never be taken for granted. Meaningful engagement of women and girls in all policy areas is their human right, and leads to more inclusive decision-making and to more sustainable peace and reconstruction. We support female leadership and the equal and meaningful participation of women in all their diversity, specifically of women human rights defenders and women peacebuilders. We combat barriers that make it harder for women and girls to participate. In the Netherlands, too, we eliminate the barriers to women’s participation in the development and implementation of national policies for equal opportunities and inclusive security. 

Learn more about the NAP1325 community's contributions to women's participation in peace and security processes here.