Dutch Citizens Divorce in Abu Dhabi
Hello ma'am I am Tania. I am a Dutch Citizen. Presently in India. Me and my Husband were living in The Netherlands since 2016. My daughter was born in The Hague in 2017. We are all Dutch citizens as me and my husband got citizenship through naturalization. Our daughter is also a dutch citizen. Suddenly in June 2023 my husband said that we have to move out as he has got a job in Abu Dhabi. I opposed it by saying why suddenly we have to make the shift. In November 2023 my husband and my father in law started to talk about divorce. They had kept my passport and my daughter's passport with them so that I don't have any option left and also threatened me mentally, physically, emotionally and my phone and my emails were being snooped. This was a grave violation to my privacy. I wished to speak but couldn't as my phone was being tracked. I am not on any social media too because of them. They were threatening my family too. So ultimately i had to give up and sign which was a one sided agreement mostly in favor of my husband with me still being a slave even after divorce. My humble request is to please study my case and help me. Whatever documents are required, i can provide. Thanks Tania +919871793242
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