Name of organization/institution
Center for International Legal Cooperation
Website URL
Organization details
Civil Society Organization
Description of your organization/institution
Civil Society Organization
Description of your main WPS related activities
Center for International Legal Cooperation (CILC) is a Dutch foundation based in the Hague dedicated to improve legal systems and foster the rule of law worldwide since 1985. With a small, close-knit team, we work worldwide on projects in the field of capacity-building of and reform-processes in the judiciary, executive and legislature. We work from the firm belief that a functioning constitutional state is the basis of a just society, and a just society is a precondition for a prosperous and safe existence for every individual. CILC connects people globally, in all aspects of the rule of law – from judges to probation officers and from civil servants to lawyers – and train them in important principles and practices to improve the rule of law. This is done through peer-to-peer exchange among (senior) staff from similar institutions, knowledge transfer, leadership training, coaching and mentoring. CILC works closely together with partners in 'target country' to deliver to the expectation.
Strategic outcome
- Training for legal professionals, legal aid providers, students and government officials on gender, access to justice and the role of women in the judiciary.
- Training for female (legal) professionals on personal development and leadership. - Awareness-raising and fight against impunity on Gender and Sexual-based Violence.
- Gender mainstreaming in all project activities (such as capacity-building and reform programmes).
- Collaboration coordination with stakeholders to increase better protection for women and youth in security processes.
Type of Investment
1.Participation - More women hold leadership positions, and women participate equally and meaningfully in decision-making processes at every level in the interests of peace and security, including conflict prevention and resolution, peacebuilding, protec.
3. Protection - Women and girls, as well as men and boys, in and from conflict situations, are protected against all forms of conflict-related violence, including sexual and gender-based violence.
5. WPS Mainstreaming - A gender lens is applied to every reorganisation, improvement, development and evaluation of analysis, policy and policy implementation with regard to peace and security.
Advocacy, Policy, Progammitic
In our core work we have gender mainstreaming in all activities we implement, such as development of a gender strategy and ensuring equal participation in participants, project teams and experts. In addition, we have special programmes targeting women and youth on a variety of topics, including leadership and access to justice. We also collaborate with the leadership in partner countries to advocate for change in policy and to create awareness.
Time Frame
We work in several regions worldwide, amongst others the Middle East and North Africa (mostly region-wide), the Western Balkans and Eastern Europe, Sub-Sahara Africa (for instance Uganda and Rwanda), and South-East Asia (Indonesia).