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Organization details
Knowledge institution
Description of your organization/institution
ARQ National Psychotrauma Center is a mental health care institution, which has all psychotrauma expertise under one roof. We offer preventive support and advice, conduct scientific research into psychotrauma and provide education and training. We care for people with psychotrauma complaints through screening, diagnostics and treatment. We also advise organizations and the government on the arrangement of care for those affected. We have been doing this since World War II, with a strong focus on innovation; for the Netherlands but also worldwide.
The department ARQ International works to support the mental health and psychosocial wellbeing of people affected by war, disasters and the aftermath of traumatic events in low- and middle-income countries. Through research on, and development of, effective psychological and psychosocial interventions for these populations, ARQ International bridges the gap between theory and practice, between academic and field knowledge
ARQ National Psychotrauma Centre was established towards the end of 2007, with ARQ Centrum ’45 (formerly Foundation Centrum '45) launching the initiative. Feeling a social responsibility to ensure enhanced cooperation on the theme of psychotrauma (care), ARQ Centrum '45 took the lead in this. Over the next years, the group has expanded and is now best defined as a group of organizations engaged on the impact of overwhelming events and the specialism of psychotrauma.
Description of your main WPS related activities
a. Continue to support and give specialised mental health care to women affected by Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) as a result of war and human trafficking in the Netherlands and in conflict affected areas.
b. Capacitate staff and strengthen health systems in linking Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) and psychological, social consequences of SGBV in conflict affefcted areas.
c. Conducts and disseminates (scientific) research with a gender focus in the studies on the impact of traumatic events and psychotrauma.
d.Capacitate organisations and contribute to the research and development on the intergration of MHPSS and peacebuilding, with a focus on gender and community based initiatives.
e. Capacitate staff and organisations in staff care and stress management for those who are supporting communities affected by conflict and SGBV in particular.
Strategic outcome
4. Relief, reconstruction and recovery - Meet the needs and contribute to the empowerment of women and girls
Sub-outcome 4
4.1 Improved physical, mental, psycho-social health of women and girls
4.3 Humanitarian response is conflict- and gender -networks sensitive and - responsive; main role for local women’s organisations and
The Netherlands, Democractic Republic of Congo, Kurdistan Iraq, Palestinian Territory, Ukraine, Kenya, Somolia, South Sudan.
What type of investments will you make to contribute to the selected outcome(s)?
Financial, Policy, Advocacy & Progammitic
5 years - 2025