Name of organization/institution

Oxfam Novib

Website URL

Organization details

Civil Society Organisation

Description of your organization/institution

Oxfam Novib is a member of the Oxfam Confederation, a global movement of people who are fighting inequality to end poverty and injustice. Around the globe, we work to find practical, innovative ways for people to lift themselves out of poverty and thrive, supporting them to raise their voices and hold governments and the private sector to account. A just and sustainable world is our vision. We want a world where people are valued and treated equally, enjoy their rights as full citizens, and can influence decisions affecting their lives. To this end, we believe that urgent, radical and systemic change is needed. Across the world, billions of people are standing up to injustice, the trauma of war, and complex problems like climate change and economic inequality. But there is much more to be done. That is why Oxfam Novib exists to tackle the injustices that cause and perpetuate poverty. We work to make the world safer and fairer for everyone. Our values When people’s basic rights are respected, we can rid the world of inequality and injustice. This is what we stand for • Equality We believe everyone has the right to be treated fairly and to have the same rights and opportunities. • Empowerment We acknowledge and seek to expand people’s agency over their lives and the decisions that impact them. • Solidarity We join hands, support, and collaborate across boundaries in working towards a just and sustainable world. • Inclusiveness We embrace diversity and difference and value the perspectives and contributions of all people and communities in their fight against poverty and injustice. • Accountability We take responsibility for our action and inaction and hold ourselves accountable to the people we work with and for. • Courage We speak truth to power and act with conviction on the justice of our causes. Our approach We believe sustainable development is about cooperating with people, enabling them not just to survive, but to thrive. That is why we help people around the world to stand up for their rights. Our practical, community-level work aims to demonstrate that alternatives are possible and that people can shape change. Working alongside our partners and allies, we create and implement programs and campaigns and provide humanitarian assistance, while we advocate and campaign for systemic change as part of a worldwide influencing network. We are committed to using feminist principles to guide our work, and we ensure that the people impacted by our programs are involved in decision making (‘nothing about us without us’). We use the evidence delivered in our programs to accelerate our influencing work and adapt our strategies and ways of working. We are open to and build new connections, expanding and deepening more equal partnerships. Adapting to new realities, we innovate and rigorously measure all that we do, in order to learn and to improve the quality of our work; we mutually develop and share knowledge and expertise with our many partners, colleagues and donors. By focusing on four change goals, Oxfam Novib works tirelessly to make this world more inclusive (EQUAL), secure (SAFE), equitable (FAIR) and sustainable (GREEN); we do so as part of the Oxfam confederation and in close collaboration with our partners and allies. Oxfam Novib supports and cooperates with courageous activists and movements across the world, to develop and implement their ideas and solutions, and strengthen and amplify their voices. We challenge and encourage governments, private sector parties and citizens to take responsibility, and we engage with innovative thought leaders and key decision-makers to bring about the urgent, radical, and systemic change that is needed.

Description of your main WPS related activities

Oxfam Novib is focused on achieving conflict transformation through the lens of Women, Peace and Security. Through our work on conflict transformation, we aim to prevent conflicts, mitigate their impact on people’s lives by protecting civilians, and help to solve them. Identifying the space in which women can be active, building on opportunities and tackling the obstacles to genuine inclusion are key components of this work and cover multiple areas of intervention, including - women’s full inclusion in all negotiation and decision-making processes, with men as partners in promoting women’s political participation - personal and community security and the elimination of violence against women - justice and the fight against impunity - economic and political security (particularly for long term gain) By committing to Women, Peace and Security as a core component of our Conflict Transformation work, Oxfam Novib is building on a long history of gender sensitive programming, and a strong basis of work that seeks to empower women and men and to support civil society organisations to build up their capacity to engage in these processes. We bring expertise in design, implementation, learning, knowledge management and impact assessment to the work we do with our partners. Oxfam Novib works with a network of global partners through which we are able to achieve lobby and advocacy goals on an international level. Our work promotes linking and learning between countries and helps to provide evidence to support and drive informed policy dialogue. Oxfam works to ensure that women human rights defenders and activists have meaningful access to decision-making spaces to influence the discussion (‘nothing about us without us’). On a national level, we work with more than 80 local partner organisations that are active in Conflict Transformation and that explicitly apply a gender lens, or work indirectly on Women, Peace and Security by addressing the root causes of a conflict. In this way, our Women, Peace and Security programme is part of a holistic gender and conflict transformation approach in line with the Dutch National Action Plan (NAP) on UN Security Council Resolution 1325 (UNSCR 1325)

Strategic outcome

1. Participation - More women hold leadership positions, and women participate equally and meaningfully in decision-making processes at every level in the interests of peace and security, including conflict prevention and resolution, peacebuilding, protection, relief, reconstruction and recovery; 4. Relief, reconstruction and recovery - Meet the needs and contribute to the empowerment of women and girls

Sub-outcome 1

1.1 Enhanced enabling conditions for equal and meaningful participation by women and girls in peace and security, including conflict prevention and resolution, peacebuilding, protection, relief, reconstruction and recovery

Sub-outcome 4

4.2 Women’s and girls’ socioeconomic position has been improved both inside and outside of humanitarian and fragile situations., 4.3 Humanitarian response is conflict-sensitive, gender-sensitive and gender-responsive and, where possible, gender-transformative, with local women’s organisations and networks at the forefront

Type of Investment

Advocacy, programmatic, policy



Time Frame

2 years - 2022