Study Report: Colombian Victims and Survivors Leadership and Participation in Informal Transitional Justice

This report by Impunity Watch describes the ways in which victims and survivors’ organisations in Colombia attempt to participate in formal and informal transitional justice processes. With a focus on women’s associations that are adamantly working on fighting impunity, pressuring institutions to address sexual violence and atrocities committed against women, healing and empowerment of victims and youth, and a more integral approach to reparation. It describes the fundamental role of women’s organisations in this, and the centrality of gender justice in their struggles. 
The study furthermore focuses on the impact of gender activism in terms of effecting change, trauma healing, and establishing organisations’ autonomy. Special attention is given to the relationship between civil society organisations and justice institutions, and the lack of strategic communication between formal mechanisms and communities, which compounds the distrust felt by victims toward the transitional justice institutions.