Name of organization/institution
Stichting Tosangana
Website URL
Organization details
Civil Society Organization
Description of your organization/institution
Tosangana is a Dutch women and Development organization that aims to contribute to equal rights and opportunities for women and men, enabling women to fully participation in peacebuilding and reconstruction of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Through lobby and advocacy, from the grasroots to the National level, Tosangana help to create an enabling environment and structural change for gender equality. The focus of the organization is to achieve specifically the following result - protect women and girls - subvert existing harmful gender norms and - enhance women’s agency for equal participation in peace processes and conflict resolution. Tosangana has solid training experience and is affiliated to a Teacher Training College (TTC). Tosangana has practical experience with teacher training by video recording for several years now at a TTC and various elementary schools in Kinshasa and Kongo Central. The Dutch Congolese director of the CSI Tosangana develop a method which have been approved by the DRC Ministry of Education since March 14, 2018. Tosangana have built a multifunctional Center in which you will find the school complex Les Petits Artistes. With their local partners, they maintain good relationship with various ministeries, they collaborate with the Ministries of Education and Gender.
Description of your main WPS related activities
The validation of the National Plan II in October 2020 for further implementation of the Resolution 1325 is such an effort made by the Government. For this, the diaspora women organization Tosangana with partners has played a crucial role in the advocacy and lobby at national level. o The Congolese diaspora women under Tosangana have been advocating with the Dutch and Congolese authorities for the inclusion and participation of the Diaspora and their local partners in the implementation of the policy on WPS SDG’s. o Beside the Min of Gender, Family and Child, several governmental bodies such Présidence are involved in our projects o « Thanks to the lobby from the Diaspora, TOSANGANA in particular, the capital Kinshasa is actualy equiped with so called municipality steering committees that monitor the implementation of the NAP 1325. The committees constitute a guideline and link between the national, provincial and the grassroots level »( Seceretariat National 1325) o TOS is one among the pioneers to develop and organize the preliminary Train of Trainers on NAP1325 in rural areas in the DRC ( Equateur, Kongo Central) through the Small Seeds Big Baobab. The Pilot project with the Youth by Tosangana in Equateur also anticipated on the concept of positive masculinities in the implemenation of the 1325. o Tosangana is "membre non permanent" of the National Secretariat 1325 DRC
Strategic outcome
1. Participation - More women hold leadership positions, and women participate equally and meaningfully in decision-making processes at every level in the interests of peace and security, including conflict prevention and resolution, peacebuilding, protec, 3. Protection - Women and girls, as well as men and boys, in and from conflict situations, are protected against all forms of conflict-related violence, including sexual and gender-based violence. Their rights are safeguarded and enforceable, 4. Relief, reconstruction and recovery - Meet the needs and contribute to the empowerment of women and girls
Sub-outcome 1
1.1 Enhanced enabling conditions for equal and meaningful participation of women and girls, 1.3 Peace processes and peace declarations are inclusive and bottom up
Sub-outcome 2
2.1 Local, multi-dimensional peaceful conflict prevention is given priority
Sub-outcome 3
3.1 Women and girls have access to security and justice systems, 3.2 Impunity for violent offences against women and girls combatted, 3.4 Gender sensitive, -responsive, -transformative asylum policy
Sub-outcome 4
4.2 Improved socio-economic position women and girls, 4.3 Humanitarian response is conflict- and gender -networks sensitive and - responsive; main role for local women’s organisations and
Sub-outcome 5
5.1 Peace and security personnel gender aware; applies gender lens, 5.4 Improved coordination of actors in peace and security
DRC NL Republic of Congo
What is the time frame for your pledged outcome(s) and investment(s)
2 years - 2022