Name of organization/institution
St. Center for Civil Society and Democracy – Europe (CCSD-Europe)
Website URL
Organization details
Civil Society Organization
Description of your organization/institution
CCSDE‘s mission is to strengthen the role of civic leaders inside and outside Syria who are working to promote democracy, pluralism and tolerance. CCSDE is mainly involved in advocacy and partnership building in Europe and liaising with Syrian Diaspora communities Europe to involve them in the peacebuilding activities. CCSDE focusses on Syrian women empowerment and leadership and is a signatory of the Dutch National Action Plan for United National Resolution 1325.
Description of your main WPS related activities
• Reporting on gender-related issues to enhance the protection of women human rights activists and increase women's participation in peace building in Syria.
• Supporting inclusion of Syrian women in formal and informal peace processes, initiatives to introduce them to SCR1325 and identify issues for a future Syrian National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security.
Strategic outcome
1. Participation - More women hold leadership positions, and women participate equally and meaningfully in decision-making processes at every level in the interests of peace and security, including conflict prevention and resolution, peacebuilding and protection; 3. Protection - Women and girls, as well as men and boys, in and from conflict situations, are protected against all forms of conflict-related violence, including sexual and gender-based violence. Their rights are safeguarded and enforceable; 5. WPS Mainstreaming - A gender lens is applied to every reorganisation, improvement, development and evaluation of analysis, policy and policy implementation with regard to peace and security.
Sub-outcome 1
1.1 Enhanced enabling conditions for equal and meaningful participation of women and girls; 1.2 Support for meaningful participation women- and diaspora organisations, human rights defenders and peace builders who work on women’s rights and gender equality; 1.3 Peace processes and peace declarations are inclusive and bottom up.
Sub-outcome 3
3.1 Women and girls have access to security and justice systems.
Sub-outcome 5
5.4 Improved coordination of actors in peace and security.
What type of investments will you make to contribute to the selected outcome(s)?
Advocacy, Progammitic
Syria, Middle East, Europe
What is the time frame for your pledged outcome(s) and investment(s)
5 years - 2025