Name of organization/institution


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Organization details

Civil Society Organization

Description of your organization/institution

Karama aims to end all kinds of violence against women in the Arab region. We mobilize women’s influence and participation across all sectors - political, legal and civil activism - to address women’s advancement, security, protection, and participation. Working through partners in 13 countries in the Middle East and Africa, national and regional women networks, to scale communities’ understanding of women’s rights (advocacy) and influence decision makers for reforms, leveraging international human rights mechanisms.

Description of your main WPS related activities

Our approach to change distinguishes us from other initiatives, as we work from the ground up, emphasizing local expertise and elevating this to inform national policies, regional dialogues, and international advocacy. We take a broader view in the belief that to bring an end to violence against women and ensure women’s participation, it is necessary to understand the full context - economics, law, health, media, education, and art/culture, the things that matter most in people’s daily lives - and to design strategies that work through each of these areas. Karama works for change in the wider Arab region by building coalitions that address the multi-sectoral causes and consequences of violence and inequality, enhancing activists’ capacity to advocate, lobby, and build awareness on women’s issues, priorities, and rights in the region.

Strategic outcome

1. Participation - More women hold leadership positions, and women participate equally and meaningfully in decision-making processes at every level in the interests of peace and security, including conflict prevention and resolution, peacebuilding, protec;

2. Prevention - Conflict prevention and the prevention of violent extremism, including of related violence against women and girls, is based on the human rights approach and starts from the principle of human security. Prevention policy and its implementa;

3. Protection - Women and girls, as well as men and boys, in and from conflict situations, are protected against all forms of conflict-related violence, including sexual and gender-based violence. Their rights are safeguarded and enforceable;

4. Relief, reconstruction and recovery - Meet the needs and contribute to the empowerment of women and girls;

5. WPS Mainstreaming - A gender lens is applied to every reorganisation, improvement, development and evaluation of analysis, policy and policy implementation with regard to peace and security.

Sub-outcome 1

1.2 Support for meaningful participation women- and diaspora organisations, human rights defenders and peace builders who work on women’s rights and gender equality, 1.3 Peace processes and peace declarations are inclusive and bottom up.

Sub-outcome 2

2.1 Local, multi-dimensional peaceful conflict prevention is given priority, 2.2 Countering radicalisation, violent extremism and terrorism policies respect operational space of women’s organisations, human rights defenders and peace builders.

Sub-outcome 3

3.1 Women and girls have access to security and justice systems, 3.2 Impunity for violent offences against women and girls combatted.

Sub-outcome 4

4.2 Improved socio-economic position women and girls, 4.3 Humanitarian response is conflict- and gender -networks sensitive and - responsive; main role for local women’s organisations and

Sub-outcome 5

5.1 Peace and security personnel gender aware; applies gender lens, 5.4 Improved coordination of actors in peace and security.

What type of investments will you make to contribute to the selected outcome(s)?

Policy, Advocacy, Progammitic



5 years - 2025